Gnomes used to freak me out as a kid. I'm not sure why, because as an adult, I think they're adorable! And with Valentine's Day around the corner, I was playing around with the word "gnome" in my head while making my bed, picking up clothes off the floor, and all that fun stuff that moms do.
Suddenly, it came to me... "There's Gnomebody Like You." I thought it was clever! Go ahead and use the phrase- I know it's cute. :) I don't know about you, but I don't like the excess amount of candy on Valentine's Day, and I've always appreciated handmade Valentines. Also, I'm a learner and a teacher, so I've been polishing up my design skills watching lots of online tutorials. And, here's what I came up with.
(No candy, motor skills opportunity, easy, and cute- Win!)
All you have to do is purchase (link) and print. If you want to make them into kits, you'll need sandwich baggies, cotton balls, scissors, and a stapler. Have your children help you put the kits together to give to their friends at school. Or if you're a teacher, ask your teacher assistant to do it...nicely...and preferably with chocolate in hand.
Here are some more pictures so you can visualize:
Hopefully that helps make your job a little more fun and creative this Valentine's Day!
You can snag these Valentines in my Etsy shop: